
A simple logo that reads "Micro$hit" with all blue letters and the 'S' is a red dollar sign

I always hear as many people raving about Office 365 from Microsoft as if it's god's gift to the IT world as hear people ranting about it. I use the Desktop apps daily for work (Outlook and OneNote, mostly) and they are somewhat tolerable. But once I week I need to use the Web-based Office 365 tools to put together a Status Report, and I do that from my personal PC, running Linux (Arch to be specific).

Let me clarify... My work laptop runs Windows and I keep a running log of my weekly tasks in OneNote, in a nice format. At the end of the week, I copy that content from OneNote and paste it into an email that I send to my personal account. From there, I log into my consulting firm's webmail from my personal PC, trying to avoid having two Microsoft accounts on the same laptop and having to toggle between them.

The paste from OneNote to Outlook (desktop apps) is actually pretty decent, and does a decent job of keeping the formatting from OneNote. However, once I get over to the web-based apps, there is no consistency whatsoever.

Let's have a look, shall we? Here I am showing an even more simplified example. I am not even crossing from Desktop app to Web app. I typed up some sample content in OneNote Web, copy it, and try various ways of pasting it into Word Web and nothing will keep the same formatting. This might seem like a minor annoyance, and it is, but there is not a single task that "just works" the way it feels like it should. It is a fight against the software to do even the simplest things most of the time.

I just really want to know what some people see in this ecosystem.


A screen capture that shows how badly it goes trying to copy from one Office 365 product and paste into another.